Workflow + Project Management
Smooth processes, clear timelines, and collaborative success.
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Workflow Sample: ADDIE Model Alignment Chart
I created and use this ADDIE alignment chart to ensure that my learning objectives (LOs), instructional content and activities, and assessments are aligned with the ADDIE model.
This chart serves as my foundational planning tool to maintain clarity and intentionality in my design of learning solutions.
This chart helps me lay out objectives, tasks/to-dos, and deliverables aligned with each ADDIE stage.
My clean and clear grid layout is easily understood by clients and SMEs when shared during the analysis stage, and supports me in organizing and communicating my design process.
My ADDIE alignment chart allows me to focus on intentionality in my design and development process, significantly reducing time spent on later revisions.
Additionally, the chart clarifies for stakeholders how each element of a learning solution connects to their organization’s broad learning goals, fostering buy-in and collaboration.
Workflow Sample: Sprints and Milestones Timeline Board
Microlearning projects—such as one of my Rumie bytes—typically involve tackling design, development, and communication tasks simultaneously, as these learning solutions often need to be developed as quickly as they can be consumed.
I use my sprints and milestones timeline board to track these close-together project deadlines and tasks across several different areas of my workflow.
My timeline board features an interactive drag-and-drop checklist system for task tracking, color-coded rows so that I can easily identify the type of task, and milestone markers to highlight deadlines.
This tool boosts my workflow efficiency by helping me track several areas of tasks across different platforms (my design SaaS, authoring tools, and work management/team communication apps such as ClickUp and Slack).
Deadlines come up fast (hence, sprints) when designing microlearning solutions. My timeline board keeps me on track and on time.